The EPTA-report "Productivity in Europe and the United States - Technology Trends and Policy Measures" was presentetd at the EPTA-conference in the Norwegian Parliament at the end of October.

The report was a joint effort from 15 EPTA members and observers, where the Norwegian Board of Technology made the template, and each participant wrote their own contribution.

Each country reported on the following topics:

- The national situation at a glance
- Productivity challenges
- Technology trends and/or policy initiatives

Download the report from the NBT homepage:

German energy policy, French digital risk and nanotechnology in the USA were among the many important issues being discussed when participants from 16 EPTA countries met in Ålesund in Norway.

The EPTA Directors’ Meeting 2014 took place on 28-30 April, and was hosted by the Norwegian Board of Technology.


1. EPTA conference 2014
Decision on main topic for the conference
Suggestion for a new EPTA report on the conference topic with contributions by EPTA members
2. Institutional developments
3. EPTA presidency 2015
4. TA Briefs: Exchange and Collaboration
Proposal by Michael Nentwich, ITA
5. EPTA Communications
State of the EPTA web site, database and social media
EPTA news channel (Proposal by Michael Nentwich)
6. PACITA and beyond
Reinhard Grünwald on the PACITA conference in Berlin
Lars Klüver on PACITA and beyond
7. Any other business

The delegation also visited the Norwegian Maritime Competence Center in Ålesund. The experts were presented with high-level competence in maritime and marine technology R&D. The participants also got to try the very advanced and life-like simulators being used to train offshore workers in emergency management and malfunctions during extreme weather conditions.

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In 2014, the Norwegian Board of Technology (NBT) holds the presidency of EPTA – the network for European Parliamentary Technology Assessment.

Parliaments across Europe face the same choices and questions concerning important technological issues, and the potential for cooperation and learning across borders is great.

“There is a great interest in international cooperation on technology related policy issues” says Tore Tennøe, director of NBT.

“Technology develops quickly in many important areas, and provides us with new opportunities and challenges within for instance the fields of health, climate, national security and openness” he continues.

The presidency of EPTA involves, among other things, the responsibility for shared projects, and facilitating EPTA’s Directors’ Meeting and parliamentary conference.

The Directors’ Meeting took place in Ålesund in April, where the directors of the different technology advisory boards among other things were introduced to world leading maritime business clusters and research in the Norwgian region Sunnmøre.

NBT will, in cooperation with the Norwegian Parliament, host a conference in October gathering Members of Parliament from several countries.

The European TA Conference within the EU-Project Parliaments and Civil Society in TA will take place in Berlin, 25-27 February 2015. Session concepts should be submitted until 28th of March 2014.

Under the headline "The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment" the conference will highlight the role of TA as well as related research and practice with regard to the Grand Challenges of our time. Reflecting TA's capacities to deal with these challenges not only includes insights into the scientific and technological developments involved (such as new and emerging technologies, ICT, or service robotics). Besides analyzing societal debates, conflicts and problems of decision making it is also necessary to reflect upon concepts, methods and instruments to support democratic problem solving and decision making (such as sustainable development and consumption, public engagement, risk assessment, evidence-based policy making and communication).

The overall aim of the conference is to support the exchange of TA capacities throughout Europe. TA comprises methods, practices and institutions for knowledge based policy making on issues involving science, technology and innovation, including TA-related fields such as Foresight, Science and Technology Studies (STS) and research on Ethical, Legal and Societal Aspects (ELSA) of science and technology. Ideas for experimental formats are especially welcome!

Your submission should include a session concept (up to 500 words) and should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Submissions may include suggestions for speakers and / or will later be part of a call for papers.

Related Links:

Institutions on Parliamentary Technology Assessment are differently set up and have different relations to their parliaments. Get an insight into the landscape of PTA in Europe through this short booklet.

There is also an interactive version of this booklet with direct access to the sub-chapters here

Download Booklet
