German energy policy, French digital risk and nanotechnology in the USA were among the many important issues being discussed when participants from 16 EPTA countries met in Ålesund in Norway.

The EPTA Directors’ Meeting 2014 took place on 28-30 April, and was hosted by the Norwegian Board of Technology.


1. EPTA conference 2014
Decision on main topic for the conference
Suggestion for a new EPTA report on the conference topic with contributions by EPTA members
2. Institutional developments
3. EPTA presidency 2015
4. TA Briefs: Exchange and Collaboration
Proposal by Michael Nentwich, ITA
5. EPTA Communications
State of the EPTA web site, database and social media
EPTA news channel (Proposal by Michael Nentwich)
6. PACITA and beyond
Reinhard Grünwald on the PACITA conference in Berlin
Lars Klüver on PACITA and beyond
7. Any other business

The delegation also visited the Norwegian Maritime Competence Center in Ålesund. The experts were presented with high-level competence in maritime and marine technology R&D. The participants also got to try the very advanced and life-like simulators being used to train offshore workers in emergency management and malfunctions during extreme weather conditions.

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