Science & Tech Spotlight: Genomic Sequencing Of Infectious Pathogens
Science & Tech Spotlight: Genomic Sequencing Of Infectious Pathogens, Report No. GAO-21-426SP, Mar. 2021
Genomic sequencing technology has the potential to improve how we monitor and treat infectious diseases. By revealing the genetic codes of pathogens, it can allow researchers to develop targeted vaccines, track new variants of the virus that causes COVID-19, and more. Newer sequencing technologies are faster and more affordable. But widespread use for disease surveillance would require more laboratories to have infrastructure such as computer capacity, and trained personnel to work with the data. Other challenges include high startup costs and privacy concerns over data that might be used to identify individuals who test positive for disease.
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Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics team of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) (STAA)
United States of America
Science & Tech Spotlight: Genomic Sequencing Of Infectious Pathogens (STAA)
