Scientific co-operation with the countries of central and eastern Europe
Scientific and technological co-operation with the countries of central and Eastern Europe has so far remained a largely misunderstood subject that had not yet been the subject of an overall study. Mr Jacques Sourdille, senator, rapporteur of the Parliamentary Office for the evaluation of scientific and technological choices, has tried to evaluate the true impact of the policies in this field pursued within the Community and in the principal countries of western Europe, based upon interviews with over 350 people involved in this kind of co-operation. Because of the complexity of this question, a three-stage analysis was developed in order: to measure the influence of the past, so as to take into account the delays and problems of implementing a new system ; to gain a better understanding of the transitional situation that has emerged in these countries since the destruction of the Berlin wall, and to analyse the extent of the changes that have taken place there, and the initial reforms ; and, finally, to outline the policy that should now be applied after several years of hesitation and false starts.
Short title:
Central and eastern Europe (I)
Start date:
End date:
Project leader:
Office Parlementaire d´Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques of the French Parliament (OPECST)
