Medical Devices: Capabilities and challenges of technologies to enable rapid diagnoses of infectious diseases
GAO (2017) Medical Devices: Capabilities and challenges of technologies to enable rapid diagnoses of infectious diseases, Report No. GAO-17-347, Sep 2017
Infectious diseases continue to represent a threat to the health and livelihoods of people worldwide. Many infectious diseases can initially present with similar symptoms, making diagnosis challenging. In this report, GAO discusses (1) the reported performance characteristics and costs of these technologies, (2) the technical challenges associated with multiplexing assays, and (3) the potential benefits and reported implementation challenges associated with these technologies.
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project report
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Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics team of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) (STAA)
United States of America
Medical Devices: Capabilities and challenges of technologies to enable rapid diagnoses of infectious diseases (STAA)
