Mobility Pricing in Europe and beyond
In the run-up to the 2017 EPTA conference, EPTA members contribute from their respective country's perspective sheding light on the implementation of and political debate about mobility pricing in Europe. The term 'mobility pricing' describes charges for the use of any transport infrastructure or services on all transport modes with the objective of influencing travel demand and mobility behaviour. Mobility pricing aims to manage transportation demand in order to reduce peak hour travel, congestions, air pollution or greenhouse gas emissions. Possible instruments are road or congestion pricing as well as transportation fares. The EU has created a framework to encourage the use of taxation and infrastructure charging, which should promote the 'user pays' and ‘polluter pays’ principles and contribute to the internalisation of external costs. The aim is a more efficient use of transport infrastructures currently affected by congestion. However, despite its potential benefits, mobility pricing is controversially discussed. Critics for instance argue that the transport sector is already overtaxed and predict negative impacts on the economy.
Short title:
EPTA-Mobility Pricing
Start date:
End date:
Project leader:
European Parliamentary Technology Assessment (network) (EPTA)
