Future innovations in public management in OECD and European Commission research and policy-making
The unprecedented pace of change is reshaping our economy, public governance and societies in unpredictable ways: lives, interactions and ways of working are being radically transformed, with inevitable implications for the relations between citizens and the government. The rapidly evolving ecosystem of interactions between citizens and other stakeholders demands better performance and more focus from government in meeting the public expectations. This, in turn, encourages governments to recognise the need for introducing new ways of public governance and testing them in practice. This paper covers the main innovations discussed in OECD and European Commission documents, research and studies on future public management.The paper briefly covers anticipatory governance, smart governance and methodologies such as CivicTech, GovTech, crowdsourcing and citizen assemblies that rank among the most common forms of deliberative democracy. Smart specialisation and knowledge-intensive business services, extensively covered in the paper, equally play an important role in innovations in governance. Most innovations rest on the principle of multi-level governance, as their creation tends to involve the participation of politicians of various levels, accompanied by business representatives, citizens, academics and other stakeholders.
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Committee for the Future of the Seimas (CFF-Lith)
