Polish agriculture in the new EU financial perspective 2021–2027
BAS (2021) INFOS 7(288), Polish agriculture in the new EU financial perspective 2021–2027
Poland is an important agricultural producer on the European market. Since the accession to the EU, farmers have been consistently building a strong position in the sector. Thanks to the use of funds from the EU budget under the common agricultural policy, they have significantly accelerated the modernisation and restructuring of agriculture. Despite the increase in production costs caused by the need to meet the strict standards of agricultural activity in the EU, farmers’ incomes have been rising steadily. The value of agri-food exports is also increasing. In the financial perspective 2021–2027, the CAP is to initiate practices beneficial for the climate and the environment, as well as to shape the social dimension of agriculture.
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Bureau of Research / Biuro Ekspertyz i Oceny Skutków Regulacji (BEOS) of the Polish Parliament (the Sejm) (BEOS)
