Disabled people and combating their exclusion
BAS (2015) Studia BAS 2(42), Disabled people and combating their exclusion
This volume of „BAS Studies” addresses the selected questions concerning the disabled and state policy aiming at combating their social exclusion. In nine papers the following issues are discussed: disability certificate and disability assessment scheme in Poland, rehabilitation of disabled in the Polish social security, social construction of “we” and “they” categories in the discourse of the disabled people’s assistants, the role of local government in inclusive activities, challenging stereotypes and obstacles to the integration of disabled, education of people with disabilities, disabled in the context of professional potential from the perspective of employers and social policy, universal design as a tool to promote accessibility, the rights of persons with disabilities to vote and be elected in light of Polish Constitution and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
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project report
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Bureau of Research / Biuro Ekspertyz i Oceny Skutków Regulacji (BEOS) of the Polish Parliament (the Sejm) (BEOS)
