Broadband telecommunications serving the Health Care System
The report on broadband Internet and health care systems, requested by the Commission for cultural, family and social affairs of the National Assembly, is at the heart of the reflections on the reform of the architecture of our health care system in which there is very little or no integration of the new information technologies. Medicine’s assimilation of the new information technologies will completely transform its organisation not only in terms of the implementation of therapeutics, but also the conception of hospitalisation and the relations between patients and medical professionals. The digital revolution will occur via two tools; Internet and telemedicine equipment. The development of the Internet network, which is continuing to be more widely used, has resulted in the multiplication of “e-health” sites and services proposed to Internet users. As a result, new problems are appearing, since the legal texts governing the area of the new information technologies are not always suited to ethical and medical secrecy requirements. Although telemedicine, a derivative of the digital revolution and the explosion of information technologies and telecommunication, has allowed medical activities to be practised at a distance for over a decade, until now it was only reserved to a relatively restricted circle of practitioners; today it has acquired operability and efficiency, and is spreading very broadly in step with the progress in equipping households and doctors with computer equipment.
Short title:
Health broadband
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Project leader:
Office Parlementaire d´Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques of the French Parliament (OPECST)