New energy technologies and co2 sequestration
Reducing carbon dioxide emissions represents a huge technological and economic challenge. Indeed, fossil fuels are the predominant source of the world's energy, representing 88% of primary energy consumed. The amounts of CO2 produced are enormous, in the neighbourhood of 25 billion tonnes per year. The countless sources of emission are often of limited individual size. The report prepared by Mr. Christian Bataille, Deputy for the Nord, and Mr. Claude Birraux, Deputy for the Haute-Savoie, examines the future prospects of CO2 sequestration, as well as the various energy sectors that are currently operational or under development, by analyzing their advantages, limits and potential for further progress, in particular with regard to greenhouse gas emissions. For easier use, the report is organized as an alphabetical energy guide, with an opening summary providing an overview of the report's diagnosis and recommendations. With the expansion and interweaving of technologies resulting from current research and development, the opportunities for further progress are numerous and compatible with economic growth (in other words, at an acceptable cost), as long as natural resources and the laws of physics are not ignored.
Short title:
CO2 sequestration
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Project leader:
Office Parlementaire dĀ“Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques of the French Parliament (OPECST)