Fifth Generation Networks
The National Telecommunications and Post Commission aims to change its profile with regulatory actions that focus on the introduction of new, original, regulatory ideas, instead of resolving problems when they arise from the regulation of telecommunications and postal services. This means that the Commission “embraces” innovation and helps it through its own regulatory innovation to achieve cheaper, better, safer telecommunications services for all. In 2017, the National Telecommunications Commission held a consultation on the allocation of the 3.5 GHz spectrum, which is a very important zone for the implementation of fifth generation networks. A special framework has been created for pilot projects regarding these networks. Prior to the introduction of any technology, an evaluative pilot phase is required. The framework provides incentives to implement as many pilot projects around the fifth generation networks as possible and to evaluate them accordingly. Important points of this special framework were the longer duration of the use permit - namely one year - for radio frequency rights, the low cost to which these rights were granted for pilot purposes, the extent to which a pilot project could be implemented at the municipal level and not at the level of a base station, and the combined use of spectrum for pilot purposes at 3.5 GHz and 2.6 GHz. Priority is given to the completion of the consultation and the auction of the spectrum. The issue of infrastructure, the density of antennas, and the requirements for connecting base stations to each other that requires fiber optic network, and respectively the significant cost of developing such networks, follows.
Short title:
The role of the National Telecommunications and Post Commission in the National Innovation Ecosystem and the Challenge of Fifth Generation Networks.
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Project leader:
Greek Permanent Committee on Research and Technology (GPCRT)