Assisted Living: Responsible innovations for persons with cognitive impairment
The project is an interdisciplinary project on responsible innovations for dignified lives at home for persons with mild cognitive impairment or dementia, where the Norwegian Board of Technology is one of the partners. The aging population is a grand challenge to which innovation and technology development must contribute. However, this contribution must be developed in a responsible process with society and not be pushed on society. For this reason we need to build knowledge and experience on how to achieve responsible research and innovation in the field of welfare technologies. The transdisciplinary Assisted Living project conducts research within ICT, health science, social science and ethics. The overall aim of the project is to advance responsible research and innovation (RRI) in the field of welfare technology.
Short title:
Assisted living
Start date:
End date:
Project leader:
Teknologirådet - Norwegian Board of Technology (NBT)