Research review on innovation-critical metals and minerals
Reports from the Swedish Parliament, Committee on Industry and Trade, 2021/22:RFR10
The research review provides a picture of the state of knowledge regarding Sweden's access to innovation-critical metals and minerals from mining, secondary waste and recycling. Of particular interest has been research on policy instruments and technologies for accessing innovation-critical metals and minerals through recycling. The mapping exercise has been carried out mainly by commissioning a number of researchers to compile key findings from research and development at universities, colleges, research institutes and industry, covering the whole value chain from exploration to recovery of innovation-critical metals and minerals, with a focus on development and future solutions. The research review identifies a growing need for innovation-critical metals and minerals. In light of this, as well as the changing security situation in the world and the challenges of meeting competing interests in mining, the group stresses the importance of clarifying the state of knowledge of Sweden's supply.
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project report
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Evaluation and Research Secretariat (ERS) of the Swedish Riksdag (ERS)