Department of Energy: Improved Performance Planning Could Strengthen Technology Transfer
Department of Energy: Improved Performance Planning Could Strengthen Technology Transfer, Report no. GAO-21-202, February 2021
Researchers at DOE and its 17 national labs regularly make contributions to new energy technologies, such as more efficient batteries for electric vehicles. Technology transfer officials at the labs help these researchers license intellectual property and partner with private-sector companies to bring these technologies to market. However, several recent reports have highlighted barriers and inconsistencies in technology transfer at DOE, including a 2015 commission report that found barriers related to the costs of collaboration and low maturity level of many DOE technologies.
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project report
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Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics team of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) (STAA)
United States of America
Department of Energy: Improved Performance Planning Could Strengthen Technology Transfer (STAA)
