Toward a better future! Technological opportunities and threats in the advancement of sustainable development
Linturi, Risto (2020) Kohti parempaa tulevaisuutta! Teknologian mahdollisuudet ja uhat kestävän kehityksen edistämisessä (Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnan julkaisu 5/2020). Tulevaisuusvaliokunta: Helsinki.
The Committee for the Future commissioned this report from Risto Linturi, the chief developer of the Committee for the Future’s technology foresight method “Radical Technology Inquiry” (RTI). The report applies the results gained with the RTI method to analyse how technology can support the reaching of the 17 UN Agenda 2030 goals. The report identifies the societal domains and the SDG goals where radical technologies have most potential to support sustainable development. The report also recognizes certain technologies that have most generic potential in relation to various SDG goals. These relate to: energy storage and electrification; AI an digital twins; autonomous robots; 3D-printing and smart robotics; indoor farming and artificial meat; solar energy and solar fuels; green industrial materials; VR&AR-reality and virtual presence; portable personal measurement instruments; IT-assisted learning; digitalization of transactions; platforms, crowd-sourcing and sharing economy. The report will be translated to English.
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Committee for the Future of the Parliament of Finland (ComFuture)