Well-being society 2030. Update 2016 |
Leena Ilmola (2016) Hyvinvointiyhteiskunta 2030. Päivitys 2016. (Eduskunnan tulevaisuusvaliokunnan julkaisu 2/2017); Eduskunta: Helsinki. |
What should be done now to have a right kind of well-being society by 2030? There is 14 years of time. Write your own story and contribute: https://www.strategysignals.com/38781-31655-303@hyvinvointi&2030
This virtual tool continues the Well-being society 2030 report published in May 2016. We evaluate how the scenarios presented in 2014 have been realised and update them closer to the everyday lives of Finns. From the following pages you can read what new is in the air or write your own future into the virtual report behind the link, in your chosen 2030 world. In 2014, the Committee for the Future was right in stating that the economic difficulties will be prolonged and various austerity measures will challenge the well-being society. The grounding point: The long slow-growth period continues as the main theme of development. Economic growth influences the financing of public services and our earnings. But it does not define every dimension of life. We can find new solutions amidst transitions, if we actively search for them. Soon-hundred-years-old Finland has been made into one of the best societies in the world. We hope that also You will take part in making a new, even better society.