Committee for the Future: Agenda 2030 reports and Future reports in the parliamentary term 2015–2018
Committee for the Future (2018) Committee for the Future: agenda 2030 reports and future reports in the parliamentary term 2015–2018 (Publication of the Committee for the Future 13/2018). Parliament of Finland: Helsinki..
This publication includes the English translations of the Committee reports by the Committee for the Future in the parliamentary term 2015 - 2018. The publication consists of one Agenda 2030 report and two Futures reports. In the electoral period 2015 - 2018, the theme of the Futures reports was the "future of work". The Committee for the Future (est. 1993) is a standing committee in the Parliament of Finland. The Committee consists of 17 MPs. It serves as a think tank for long-term futures, sustainable development, and science and technology policy in Finland. The Committee’s counterpart cabinet member is the Prime Minister. Unlike other, field-specific parliamentary committees, the Committee for the Future does not usually discuss legislative resolutions. Instead, the Committee’s mission is to generate dialogue with the Government on long-term, multi-field, and future-oriented problems and opportunities. At least once per term, the Government issues a report on long-term future prospects along with its objectives and targets. The report is submitted to the Parliament by the Prime Minister’s Office. The Committee for the Future then prepares the Parliament´s response (the Parliament´s Futures Report) to the Government. This way, arising important political themes can be recognised at such an early stage that different alternatives and policy lines are still completely open to deliberation. Since 2017, The Government´s implementation for Agenda2030 for Sustainable Development is also submitted to the Committee for the Future during each electoral term. The Committee for the Future has other duties as well, such as submitting statements to the other committees in connection with Government reports and, for example, the annual budget. The Committee considers societal issues and influences, and deliberates technological developments by providing foresight research commissions. The Committee evaluates the long-term impacts of various phenomena and contributes to political value discussions and decision-making.
Publication type:
project report
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Publication URL:
Committee for the Future of the Parliament of Finland (ComFuture)
