Blood Donation in Mexico
Cedillo Castelán, V. & Rentería Rodríguez, M. E. (2019). INCyTU Note 30 Blood Donation in Mexico
Unpaid and voluntary blood donation is vital in order to guarantee that health systems can offer safe, fair and efficient health services to the population. The World Health Organization recommends the 100% of blood donations to be voluntary, nevertheless, Mexico occupies the last place on voluntary donations in Latin America with a rate of 5.19%. Countries where less than 50% of blood donation is voluntary, have an increased rate of diseases transmitted by transfusion. Countries where blood donation is 100% voluntary have a greater proportion of regular donors, in other words, volunteers are more likely to donate in a recurrent manner, which allows for a constant and reliable supply. One of the recommendations made by the WHO to promote voluntary blood donation is to make legislative changes to stimulate the promotion and foster altruistic blood donation from early ages.
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policy brief
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Spanish; Castilian
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Office for Information of Science and Technology for the Mexican Congress (INCyTU)