Added Sugars on the Diet
Franco Bodek, D. & Rentería Rodríguez, M. E. (2018). INCyTU Note 24 Added Sugars on the Diet
The consumption of added sugars in the diet is associated with weight gain and with an increased risk of developing diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, fatty liver, some types of cancer and dental cavities. Between 58% and 85% of Mexicans consume more added sugars than recommended by WHO; Its main source are sugary drinks such as soft drinks and fruit juices, natural or processed. To reduce the consumption of added sugars in the Mexican diet, a tax on sugary drinks and high calorie density foods was implemented in 2014. International examples show that there is great opportunity for improvement in legislation.
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policy brief
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Spanish; Castilian
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Office for Information of Science and Technology for the Mexican Congress (INCyTU)