Precision Livestock Farming
Santillan Godínez, O. (2018). INCyTU Note 23 Precision Livestock Farming
Precision animal farming (GdP in Spanish) combines animal farming practices with information and communication technologies. It can improve production and reduce environmental impact. It has different technological developments such as intelligent ventilation systems and monitoring of udder health, milking robots, and mobile applications to monitor livestock. It is estimated that in Argentina, 90% of milk producers and 10% of beef producers use GdP. The Internal Regulation of the Mexican Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food (SAGARPA) does not contain explicitly the promotion of the GdP, however, it does actively promote national animal farming development through the use of modern technology.
Publication type:
policy brief
Publication language:
Spanish; Castilian
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Office for Information of Science and Technology for the Mexican Congress (INCyTU)