How do young people rate personalized online media? Results of a representative survey |
Kluge, Jakob; Oertel, Britta; Evers-Wölk, Michaela (2018), TAB-Sensor Nr. 1, 2018-09, Wie bewerten junge Menschen personalisierte Onlinemedien? Ergebnisse einer Repräsentativbefragung. 16pp. ISSN-Online: 2625-0470 |
Search engines, social media, video and news portals provide an important gateway to information from politics and society, especially for young people. Information intermediaries such as Google and Facebook not only complement the offer of classic mass media news providers, but sometimes even replace it. Using algorithm-based methods, a personalized message selection is compiled for each user. The intermediaries use previously collected data such as interest and friend lists, saved search queries or retrieved news articles. But what consequences does the use of algorithms have for the formation of opinions? This is debated in science, politics and civil society. This TAB sensor approaches the topic from the perspective of young people and deals with questions about usage: Are you aware that algorithms decide on the selection of displayed messages? How do you rate the personalization of the news selection? And what do you expect from online news? The nationwide representative survey among young people is a part ofTAB's research project "Algorithms in digital media and their influence on opinion formation." The results help to formulate policy options for members of the German Bundestag.