Winkler, Roman; Kozeluh, Ulrike (2005) Europeans have a Say: Online Debates and Consultations in the EU. Institut für Technikfolgen-Abschätzung: Wien; im Auftrag von: Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur.
This report provides an assessment of the EU’s online initiative Your Voice in Europe ( offering online debates and online consultations. The major objective of this study is to investigate how deliberation takes place on the Your Voice in Europe platform. It involves reflections on deliberation providing the theoretical background for a content analysis on online debates and for qualitative expert interviews on online consultations. Against the background of these results, the study also attempts to analyse in a scenario workshop with Austrian experts how online participation in political issues might be designed in Austria in the year 2025.
Publication type:
project report
Publication language:
Publication date:
Publication URL:
Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA)
Electronic Democracy: Europeans have a Say - Online debates and consultations in the EU (ITA)
