Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (CoE) RESOLUTION 1422 (2005) – Europe and the tsunami - (January 2005; Rapporteur for opinion: Mrs Westerlund Panke; Doc. 10442. Report by the Committee on Social Affairs; Rapporteur: Mrs Paoletti, Doc. 10428)
The Parliamentary Assembly would like first of all express its intense sorrow and its deep sympathy with the families of victims. While welcoming the generosity expressed by the international community, the Assembly underlines that these promises and commitments should not be made to the detriment of the victims of other disasters. The Assembly recommends that the governments of the member states honor the commitments entered into and take the necessary measures in order to especially ensure the protection of the children and of vulnerable groups. The Assembly calls on the governments of the countries affected by the disaster to avoid any religious or ethnic discrimination during the distribution of the aid. In conclusion, the Assembly proposes to take stock, within one year, of the real aid situation provided by the international community.
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Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) (PACE)
Europe and the tsunami (PACE)