Technological change 2013-2016
Committee for the Future (2016) Technological change 2013-2016. Preliminary investigation of the development of radical technologies after the 2013 review. The Publishing series of The Committee for the Future 2/2016 (TUVJ 2/2016)
This publication concerns the further development of the systematic work of the Committee for the Future of deliberating technological change. There is the technology anticipation model of 'A Hundred Opportunities for Finland: Radical Technological Solutions' published in 2014. Here, a systematic method of reading this report is recommended. The way of searching for new technologies is different varying from the standpoint of a citizens, a researcher and an entrepreneur, and it varies depending on specific needs of a capital investor, a regional developer or a representative of media. The method that was basically developed for anticipating radical technologies, is still unique. The reason behind is that this method not only aims at anticipating arising technologies, but also evaluating the influence of these potential technologies on the society in an exceptionally wide scale by covering possible influences on several societal and business fields. Therfore, having special instruction of applicating the method is offered in this publication.
Publication type:
project report
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Committee for the Future of the Parliament of Finland (ComFuture)
