Comparative Table of Parliamentary TA Institutions


Work Procedures and Methods

DBT conducts technology assessments with a view to generating debate and clarification among the target groups – these being politicians, industry, NGOs, experts, citizens, etc. – depending on the issue at stake. This also includes groups in society which do not necessarily already see the need of debating technology.

To assess the functionality of actual technologies is not the task of DBT. Instead the focus must be on opportunities for and impacts on people, the environment and social conditions. The objective is to clarify dilemmas and conflicts. This does not always mean that technology assessments have to conclude in recommendations for a solution; technology assessments may provide knowledge, identify joint views, conflicts and options as a step towards finding a solution.

DBT draws on the best available expertise – in the widest sense – and often across professions and sectors. Expertise may be found among the traditional academia, but it may also be found among stakeholders, users, consumers, and lay people. This wide concept of expertise ensures that many types of knowledge and different values and interests are represented in the assessments.


DBT considers it an essential task to contribute to the development of methods for assessing technology, especially in connection with methods involving the citizens, users and employees - those affected by the technology in question. DBT applies different methods for assessing technology:


The 2011 work plan of DBT includes the following issues on which projects are initiated:

Besides, DBT is working on externally financed projects, for example:


Chapter Work Procedures and Methods - all countries

Country Report Denmark



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